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centrifugal flow gas turbine造句

"centrifugal flow gas turbine"是什么意思  
  • The Utility Pack ( Power Plant, Utility, Gas Turbine Engine Driven-Libby Welding Co . Model LPU-71, Airesearch Model PPU85-5, AmerTech Co . Model APP-1, or Hollingsworth Model JHTWX10 / 96 ), powered by a centrifugal flow gas turbine engine, provided electricity ( 60 Hz AC, 400 Hz AC, and 24vdc ).
  • It's difficult to see centrifugal flow gas turbine in a sentence. 用centrifugal flow gas turbine造句挺难的
如何用centrifugal flow gas turbine造句,用centrifugal flow gas turbine造句centrifugal flow gas turbine in a sentence, 用centrifugal flow gas turbine造句和centrifugal flow gas turbine的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。